Thursday, May 14, 2009

Venice - My Favorite City!

Originally uploaded by lalla2006

This is where I'm going on vacation! I love Italy and Venice is one of the most beautiful cities anywhere.

In looking for photos on Flickr, I found that there were a lot of photos to choose from, almost too many! I'd start looking in one tag and then see something else I wanted to check out. It's very easy to get distracted and spend hours instead of minutes looking at them - not a bad thing except when you don't really have the time.

I can't wait to upload some of my photos from my trips over the years in Flickr so my friends can finally see them. I've been promising since I first started traveling in 1995 but most are still in print form in shoe boxes or on my digital camera.

This beautiful photo of gondolas in Venice isn't my photo, it was originally uploaded by lalla2006. Thanks lalla2006. Great shot.

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